ICL Ladeburg (BK Giulini GmbH), Germany
Automation of a mixing plant

At its Ladenburg production location, BK Guilini has converted the recipe-controlled process automation of a mixing plant for the production of phosphate-based food additives to Plant iT.
At the core of this solution are the Direct iT, Batch iT and Acquis iT modules with Plant iT material the process-oriented materials management module.Flexibility of production sequences given the large number of different components was a key requirement in regard to the new process control system. Before launching a new production series, an incompability check with regard to the previous production is therefore performed automatically. The Plant iT process control system resides on a consistent data, information and communication structure which extends from the process level, to the MES level and includes the higher-level ERP system - and thus offers the basis for a continuous logging of all material flows, a consistent batch traceability and the quality assurance for processes and products.